Tips for automatic translation when using Translatepress

Currently using translatepress Business paid plan. When trying to convert WordPress into multiple languages, the plugin I personally recommend the most is Translatepress. Because it supports the front-end, you don’t have to worry about the layout of the translated content being broken. However, I realized that if you don’t set this setting when auto-translating in Translatepress, you will keep getting a notification to recheck and the translated content may change every time the cache is cleared.

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*Translatepress is a translation plugin for WordPress

Autotranslation tips

Setting – Translatepress – Advanced – Miscellaneous options – Automatic Translation Memory (YES)

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Automatic Translation Memory reuses translations for similar text with 95% similarity. It helps keep consistency but may slow down page load times for large sites. The warning message says that it may affect loading speed for large sites, but I haven’t had any problems yet.

Why I made this setting

The reason I was looking for and setting this setting was because I kept getting a message in the Automatic Translation tab of Translatepress telling me to Recheck supported languages ​​and Today’s character count was still being used even though I hadn’t uploaded any content or changed it.

Another reason

The token was used despite the settings below.

Setting – Translatepress – Advanced – Troubleshooting

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Fix missing dynamic content – Uncheck

May help fix missing content inserted using JavaScript.
It shows dynamically inserted content in original language for a moment before the translation request is finished.

Disable dynamic translation – Yes

It disables detection of strings displayed dynamically using JavaScript.
Strings loaded via a server side AJAX call will still be translated.

Tips for sites without customer login

If there is no customer login or the admin bar is not used by customers, we recommend that you also enable the following function. This can reduce unnecessary token waste.

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Setting – Translatepress – Advanced – Exclude strings – Do not translate certain paths – /wp-admin/*

The automatic translation function of translatepress also automatically translates the WordPress admin tab. However, if customers do not see this screen and only view the pages, posts, categories, and menus of the frontend, token waste can be reduced.

This review is based on my experience. Please note that it is a subjective opinion.